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维普资讯网 >> 会展 >> 医药卫生


开始日期 2010-10-21
结束日期 2010-10-23
会议地点 大连香洲花园大酒店
所属分类 医药卫生


本着加强国际合作与科技创新的宗旨,本届大会将邀请包括美国康涅狄格州科学咨询中心、纽黑文大学法医学院名誉主席/全职教授Henry Lee(李昌钰)博士;美国法庭科学研究院主席Thomas L. Bohan博士等300400位国际高端法医专家、法医团体负责人、科研工作者来连进行交流与合作洽谈。



Welcome Message

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

On behalf of the Organizing Committee of BIT’s 1st Annual World Congress of Forensics (WCF-2010), it is a great honor to welcome you from all over the world.

WCF-2010 will be held in Dalian during October 21-23, 2010, with a theme of “From Evidence to Verdict”. This event focuses on bringing together forensic medicine experts, toxicologists, forensic scientists and other experts primarily working in the field of forensic medicine, toxicology, forensic pathology, forensic science, criminology, forensic psychiatry and other allied subjects and demonstrates the advances in the field of forensic science. Through this special platform, we hope to showcase technologies and products which have practical applications in forensic science and move the forensic R & D forward.

Forensic science has attracted enormous attentions through high profile trials and impacts on several aspects of policing and the criminal justice system. Therefore, we wish WCF-2010 will make great contributions to the justice by emphasizing the importance of forensics. This conference will discuss Molecular Forensics and Emerging Technologies, Bio-Forensics, Physical & Chemical Forensics, e-Forensics, Mass and Natural Disasters and Forensic Sciences in Crime Investigation with professionals from different countries and regions.

My special thanks to many individuals and organizations that have worked so hard to make WCF-2010 a successful conference. The organizing committee, steering committee, and program committee all worked long hours and put in much creative efforts.

Finally, my thanks to the participants of this conference! It is due to your keen interest that this field is expanding and exploring new frontiers. We hope you enjoy the conference and that your participation contributes to your professional development and relationships.

Sincerely Yours,

Dr. Xiaodan Mei
Executive Chair of WCF-2010
President, BIT Life Sciences, Inc

Program Committee

Operating Organization
Foreign Experts Databank of SAFEA-Dalian Biotechnological and Medical Experts Subdivision, China
BIT Life Sciences, Inc., China

Executive Chair
Dr. Xiaodan Mei, President of BIT Life Sciences, Inc., China

Supporting Organization
China Council for the Promotion of International Trade China Chamber of International Commerce Dalian Branch

Advisory Board Members
Dr. Mohamed Chawki, Chairman, AILCC, Paris, France
Dr.Matthias I. Okoye, Director,Nebraska Institute of Forensic Sciences, Inc. USA
Dr. Zeno Geradts, Forensic Scientist, Department Digital Evidence of the NFI, Netherlands
Dr.Sizwe Lindelo Snail, Snail Attorneys, Admitted Attorney of the South African High Court, International Co-ordinator, ACCP, Kampala, Uganda
Dr. Francisco Lacerda, Professor, Department of Linguistics, Stockholm University, Sweden
Dr.Yuri Gubanov, CEO, Belkasoft, Russia
Dr.William M. Green
, Medical Director, Sexual Assault Forensic Exam Team, UC Davis Health System; Director, Sexual Assault Forensic Medicine Education Program, California Clinical Forensic Medicine Training Center, USA
Dr.Georgeta Cardos, Scientist in Genetics and Molecular Biology, “Victor Babes” National Institute of Pathology, Bucharest, Romania
Dr. James C Johnston, Consultant Neurologist and Attorney at Law, USA
Dr.Greg Hampikian, Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, Boise State University, USA
Dr.Sudeep Thepade, Assistant Professor and Ph.D.Research Scholar, Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management and Engineering, SVKM's NMIMS (Deemed-to-be University), India

Local Committee Members
Ms. Nina Zhao, Ms. Francis Wang, Ms. April Wang, Ms. Vivian Song, Ms. Emma Wang


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