主办单位 | |
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开始日期 | 2012-06-05 |
结束日期 | 2012-06-07 |
截稿日期 | 2012-04-30 |
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会议地点 | 厦门 |
会议网站 | http://www.icamdm.org |
所属分类 | 工程技术 |
会议内容 | 2012年先进材料设计与机械学国际会议(ICAMDM2012)是由Trans tech publications主办(TTP官方会议列表http://www.scientific.net/conference-621)的2012年度先进材料设计与机械学领域最大规模的一次学术盛会,会议旨在促进中国在先进材料设计与机械学方面与世界交流与合作。会议将于2012年6月5-7日在厦门举办。 2012年先进材料设计与机械学国际会议预计录用文章400篇,所有会议录用的文章都将出版在国际期刊《Advanced Materials Research》[ISSN:1022-6680, Trans Tech Publications]上,该刊物上发表的论文将全部被EI和ISTP收录。同时,ICAMDM2012会议组委会将挑选100篇优秀会议文章推荐其发表在SCI(E)检索的期刊,期刊如下: Surface Engineering (Maney Publishing) International Journal of Materials and Product Technology (IJMPT) Materials and Manufacturing Processes (Taylor & Francis) Advanced Science Letters (American Scientific Publishers) Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience (SCIE journal) Journal of Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics (SCIE journal) 一、征稿对象 凡国内各高校或科研院所从事相关领域教学的教师、在读本科生、研究生、博士研究生、博士后等相关研究人员均可向本次国际会议投稿。 二、征稿范围 会议主要征集先进材料加工、材料科学工程、机械制造技术与加工等相关主题的文章,但并不仅仅局限于如下主题: T1: Advanced Materials Design Nanotechnology and Materials Semi-conductor Materials Advanced Textile Materials Advanced High Temperature Structural Materials Industrial Design Smart/Intelligent Materials/Intelligent Systems Metal materials Light Metals and Alloys Composites and Hybrid Materials Advanced Ceramic and Glass Materials Disordered and amorphous materials Novel photonic Materials and Devices Thermal Engineering Theory and Applications Building Materials Light emitting material New Applications for Electronic Materials Mechanical Design for Wireless Components Product Design and Development
T2: Materials Engineering Research Microwave Processing of Materials Welding & Joining Materials Forming Materials Machining Surface Engineering/Coatings Low Cost Packaging Methods Processing technology for Functional materials Function test and evaluation technology for material analysis Energy Generation, Harvesting and Storage Materials Dynamic Behavior of Materials Structural Materials for Sensors and Actuators Semiconductors for Opto-electronic Engineering Optimization Thin Films and Surface Engineering Project/Engineering Management
T3: Manufacturing Technology and Processing CAD/CAM/ CAE Meso/micro Manufacturing Equipment and Processes Modeling, analysis and simulation of manufacturing processes High-speed/precision machining Virtual manufacturing and concurrent engineering Green design and manufacturing Digital and agile manufacturing PDM, ERP, logistics and supply chain Bionic mechanisms and bio-manufacturing Tribology in Manufacturing Processes Integrated Manufacturing System Laser Processing Technology Micro- and nano-fabrication, materials processing and technology Thermal Engineering Theory and Applications Testing, measuring, monitoring and controlling of manufacturing processes 三、征稿要求 1.论文要有论文摘要,包括论文题目、作者、单位、必要的图标、结果、主要参考文献,论文请勿少于4页。 2.论文要有一定的学术价值或应用推广价值,并且未在国内外公开发表过。 3.论文篇幅为A4纸不少于4页,用word或pdf格式通过电子邮件或者EASYCHAIR投稿: cfp@icamdm.org https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icamdm2012 对不符合要求的稿件,将不予录用。此次会议投稿截止日期为2012年4月30日。
四、重要日期 投稿截止日期:2012年4月30日 录用通知日期:2012年5月15日 注册截止日期:2012年5月25日 大会召开日期:2012年6月5-7日 |
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