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维普资讯网 >> 会展 >> 工程技术


开始日期 2013-10-12
结束日期 2013-10-13
截稿日期 2013-09-15
会议地点 香港
会议网站 http://www.hk-ceis.com/meme2013
所属分类 工程技术
会议内容 暑假重要通知:由于暑假放假,部分作者申请第二轮投稿,经组委会决定,本次会议第二轮投稿截稿日期至9月15日。


General Information
2013 International Conference on Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Engineering (MEME 2013) will be held on October 12-13, 2013, in HongKong. The aim is to provide a platform for researchers, engineers, academicians as well as industrial professionals from all over the world to present their research results and development activities in mechanical and materials engineering. The conference aims mainly at promoting the development of mechanical and materials engineering, strengthening the international academic cooperation and communications, and exchanging research ideas. Submitted conference papers will be reviewed by technical committees of the Conference.

Call for Papers
MEME 2013 ONLY accepts unpublished research papers. All papers, both invited and contributed, will be refereed. All accept papers will be published in international journal Applied Mechanics and Materials (ISSN: 1660-9336), which are online available in full text via the platform www.scientific.net. All accept papers will be indexed by EI Compendex and ISTP.

Topic include, but are not limited to

1. Mechatronics

2. Materials

Automobile and Electronic Technology

Multifunctional Materials

Digital Design and Manufacturing Technology

Materials fabrication

Vehicle Electronic Control and Measurement Techniques

Active Materials, Mechanics and Behavior

Measurement and Control of Vibration and Noise


Dynamic Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis for Equipment

Materials forming

Mechatronics and Robotics

Materials machining

Fault Diagnosis

Building materials

Vibration and Noise

Energy materials

Sensors and MEMS

Other materials related

3. Manufacturing and Design Science

4. Control and Automation

Green design and manufacturing

Intelligent Control


Artificial Intelligence

Manufacturing process simulation

Signal Processing Theory

Virtual manufacturing

Image & Video Signal Processing

Digital and agile manufacturing

Control Theory and Applications

PDM, ERP, logistics and supply chain

Systems Identification

5. Others

Important Date

First Round

Paper Submission Aug 15, 2013
Notification of Acceptance Aug 30, 2013
Authors' Registration Sep 15, 2013
Conference Dates Oct 12 - 13, 2013

Second Round

Paper Submission Sep 15, 2013
Notification of Acceptance Sep 20, 2013
Authors' Registration Sep 25, 2013
Conference Dates Oct 12 - 13, 2013

Format of Papers




Submission Mechods:

Before you send the manuscript and Paper Submission Form to the meme2013@vip.188.com , Please make sure your manuscript files will have a filename "Topic field" Paper title.doc" and your paper Submission Form will have a filename "Topic field" Paper Submission Form.xls
For example:
(02) A New Co-training Approach based on SVM for Image Retrieval.doc
(02) Paper Submission Form.xls
If you have any questions, please contact us
3、请将要提交的文章更名为:“(主题范围区)论文名.doc或pdf”;并将论文登记表更名 为“(主题范围区)Paper Submission Form.xls”。如下所示:
(02) A New Co-training Approach based on SVM for Image Retrieval.doc
(02) Paper Submission Form.xls

Contact Information:
Ms. Yang, MEME Editor
E-mail: meme2013@vip.188.com
Website: http://www.hk-ceis.org/meme2013
Tel: 86 0 15823956627
86 023-65329145
QQ Group: 113707667



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手 机:86 0 15823956627

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邮 箱:meme2013@vip.188.com

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